The time has come to go beyond these Krishna's line “do your job and do not worry about the results"

Today is the Krishna Janmashtami and we love and commemorate Krishna's birthday. For many centuries a story we have been told about Krishna's preachings is that “do your job and do not worry about the results". We have the right to do our duty, but the results are not dependent only upon our efforts. A number of factors come into play in determining the results—our efforts, destiny (our past karmas), the will of God, the efforts of others, the cumulative karmas of the people involved, the place and situation (a matter of luck), etc. This teaching is taken from the Gita.


During the Mahabharata when war will be taken place between Kaurava and Pandava, Arjuna was reluctant to fight, during that time Krishna had given wisdom to Arjun and that knowledge had taken a shape which we called 'Gita'.
Scholarly research suggests that the War of Mahabharata happened around 1000 BCE while popular tradition holds that the war marks the transition from Dwapar Yuga to Kali Yuga and thus dates it to 3102 BCE. whatever, it was the time when people had started living in the Settlement. Agriculture and animal husbandry needed Hard labour and required more hands to perform that job.

The Fedudal system and Natural Calamity

Since Production and services were centred around Agriculture and its related activities hence People were living in more or less feudal-like societies. It was normal for Common People to do forced labour or perform the work while not taking accordingly. Second thing was that people need the motivation to do agricultural chores because natural calamity was normal at that time and people became vulnerable to natural crises, that disaster ruined their farming so performing the same work, again and again, require something at that time, Gita's teaching came here “do your job and do not worry about the results".

So, here we have two things from this popular Gita's knowledge first, the feudal system wants us to believe that we should not worry about 'fruit', we need to do just work because it is good for their interest. their labour enhances their material good. and second, People did not have information about natural disasters, they were fearful of the things over which they did not have control, so this Krishna teaching was quite helpful for them.

Democratic and Capitalist System
But in Modern times we can fight natural disasters and if we are not able to fight then at least we have information about them and how and why they occur. Second, we live in a Democratic system where everyone has equal rights. If you Perform your duties and have done your job and do not expect anything in return. People who are benefited from their labour, want us to believe Krishna's these lines “do your job and do not worry about the results". But it is an injustice for the people who perform their duties and do not get anything in return.

In contemporary times it is the capitalist system that wants us to work tirelessly and one day you will get a hike in your salary and get a Promotion. Even after doing all this, when you will be fired, you do not know. So in these times, this Krishna's teaching has been picked up by Capitalist and elite class People.
It is quite ironic that if we follow Krishna's these lines.

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